WASHINGTON (A1tv News)The US State Department has once again rejected former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan s allegations of toppling his government, a1tv News reported.
US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price while briefing the newsmen in Washington on Monday said that we ve said many times that there is no truth to these allegations that United States was involved in regime change in Pakistan.
Ned Price said that we value longstanding cooperation between the United States and Pakistan and added that we won’t let propaganda, we won’t let misinformation or disinformation get in the way of an important bilateral relationship, including our valued bilateral partnership with Pakistan.
State Department Spokesperson said that we ve always viewed a prosperous and democratic Pakistan as critical to our interests. That remains unchanged.
Replying to a question regarding next elections in Pakistan, Ned Price said that elections have not yet been scheduled, but we support the peaceful upholding of constitutional and democratic principles not just in Pakistan, around the world. These are issues that we discuss with all of our partners around the world.