BERLIN(a1tv news)Germany has unveiled a new immigration plan with an outlook to welcome more workers from abroad as the country faces labour shortage crisis.
The plan revealed on Wednesday aims to address key hurdles for migrants to Germany, particularly for those coming from outside the European Union, in what appears to be good news for workers especially from Asia and Africa and less developed countries.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government has been trying to plug the gaps in labour industry and the draft reforms seem to be a bid in the same direction to avert the future labour crisis.
“Securing our skilled labour base is one of Germany’s biggest economic tasks for the coming decades,” Labour Minister Hubertus Heil said as the draft comes to the fore.
One of the most important aspects of the reform plan is that it could increase the number of workers from countries outside the EU by 60,000 people a year.
Moreover, three pathways for workers to enter the country have been outlined in the plan with a new ‘oppurtunity card’ option as well.
The first path requires a professional or university degree recognised in Germany, and an employment contract while the second requires a minimum of two years of experience working in a relevant sector, and a degree or vocational training. Interestingly IT specialists with relevant job experience will receive EU Blue Cards even if they do not hold university degree.
The new “opportunity card” stands out as it is for individuals who do not have a job offer but have the potential to find work soon. As per the draft plan, the opportunity card follows a points-based system that gauges one on the basis of qualifications, German language skills, career experience, connections to Germany (relatives already living in the country), and age.
New rules are aimed at making it easier for workers to bring their families to the country besides attaining permanent residency status.
The plan is inviting criticism as well as praise from different quarters as migration expert Herbert Bruecker told Reuters that it it is not far-reaching enough to do justice to the problem the country is facing.
The requirements of the opportunity card were too complex just for a temporary visa to look for work, he said.
Meanwhile Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser seems confident and said if people bring professional experience or personal potential with them, we will make it possible for them to gain a foothold in our labour market; Labor Minister Hubertus Heil and Interior Minister Nancy Faeser had tabled the bill.
The cabinet has approved the plan with Finance Minister Christian Lindner branding it as ‘laying the foundation for a new start’ in migration policy.
“Anyone who can contribute to the country’s economic success as a skilled worker is welcome,” he opined.
Germany, one of the most successful economies of Europe is facing albour shortage and the number of job vacancies in 2022 was at a record high of close to 2 million.
The immigration plan comes alongside approval of an education law that entitles young people to paid off-the-job training. Under the plan, Germany’s Federal Labour Agency will pay up to 67% of the net salary for the duration of the training in a much relief to the youngsters.