Two goats were spotted “chasing people” and were “detained for baaaaaadddd behaviour”, says police.
A pair of escaped goats in Washington were detained by police after they wandered through the city and chased pedestrians.
The Kent Police Department took to their Instagram account and stated that the two goats were spotted in the north of the city and were “detained for baaaaaadddd behaviour”, according to UPI.
“We are not sure where they came from, but the two of them got it into their heads that chasing people would be a good time,” the post said.
“Don’t goat us wrong, they are very cute. But no kidding around, it’s not OK for people or goats to chase others,” they wrote.
The department jokingly added that they interrogated the two mischievous goats and asked why they were being so aggressive then “one of them bleated that he was just ‘feeling a bit baaaaa-d today.'”
The goats were not taken in for their “nefarious acts” but were instead taken to the King County Animal Shelter where the officials are now trying to find their owner.
Apparently goats do end up causing mayhem as last year another goat was given a mock ride by her owner Anne Lomas who decided to take the “drastic” action only after her pet named Gary started to cause trouble at their farm in Cumbria.