Government imposes new tax on cars above 2000cc

ISLAMABAD(a1tv news)The federal government has increased the excise duty on registration of vehicles above 2000cc in the budget 2023-24.
According to details, a fixed tax of 6 percent has been imposed on the value of 2001cc to 2500cc cars through a finance bill amendment. Earlier, there was Rs150,000 tax on these vehicles for filers and Rs300,000 for non-filers.
Similarly, in the next budget, 8 percent tax has been imposed on the value of 2501cc to 3000cc vehicles. Earlier, there was Rs200,000 tax on these vehicles for filers and Rs400,000 for non-filers.
On cars above 3000cc, 10 percent fixed tax has been imposed. Earlier, there was Rs250,000 tax on such vehicles for filers and Rs450,000 for non-filers.