Naegleria alert: First patient suffering from brain-eating amoeba passes away in Lahore

LAHORE – A deadly brain-eating amoeba has been identified in the country’s second-largest city Lahore for the first time.
According to the media reports, a private laboratory confirmed that a 30-year-old patient, who was admitted to Services Hospital, was suffering from Naegleria. He reportedly passed away later in the evening.
His medical reports confirmed amoeboid movement in his body, which means he was possibly suffering from naegleria fowleri. Services Hospital MS Dr Ehtisham Haque said the patient had been suffering from headache and fever for the last couple of days. He started showing these symptoms after doing swimming in a swimming pool. A heart attack was later described as the cause of his death.
Earlier, a team of senior medical experts was assigned treatment of the patient at the Services Hospital.
Health officials have advised people to use chlorinated water to stop the spread of the waterborne disease.