TORONTO – The government of Canada has maintained its target of 485,000 permanent residents for 2024 and completing the final step to reach 500,000 in 2025.
As per the fresh immigration level plans unveiled on Thursday, starting in 2026, the government will stabilize permanent resident levels at 500,000, allowing time for successful integration, while continuing to support Canada’s labour market.
In an official press release, the government stated that it plans to take action over the next year to recalibrate the number of temporary resident admissions to ensure this aspect of the immigration system also remains sustainable.
The government said the immigration plan is tailored to support economic growth while balancing with the pressures in areas like housing, healthcare, and infrastructure and it charts a responsible course for sustainable and stable population growth.
‘The government also plans to take action over the next year to recalibrate the number of temporary resident admissions to ensure this aspect of our immigration system also remains sustainable,’ the statement read.
The government also clarified that the crux of the immigration plan includes a continued long-term focus on economic growth, with over 60% of permanent resident admissions dedicated to the economic class by 2025.
Moreover, it also focuses on upholding the Government of Canada’s humanitarian tradition support effort by responding to humanitarian and geopolitical crises around the world.
‘New ambitious Francophone immigration targets to support Francophone communities outside of Quebec. The targets represent 6% of total immigration in 2024, 7% in 2025, and 8% in 2026. This is to strengthen Francophone communities outside of Quebec and ensure the economic prosperity of Francophone minority communities across Canada,’ the official statement read.
“Today’s Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026, sets out our targets for immigration over the next three years. By stabilizing the number of newcomers, we recognize that housing, infrastructure planning, and sustainable population growth need to be properly taken into account. Through this plan, we are striking the appropriate balance to grow Canada’s economy, while maintaining our humanitarian tradition, supporting Francophone immigration, and developing a more collaborative approach to levels planning with our partners. Canada will continue to welcome newcomers and ensure that they are supported in their new lives,” Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship said.
It bears mentioning that Canada has been welcoming immigrants from across the world and the 2024 target of 485,000 new immigrants to Canada amounts to 1.2% of country’s current population. The fresh immigration plan also endorses Canada’s pro-immigration policy.