TORONTO – Immigration authorities in Canada have announced that the first trade round under the Express Entry for category-based selection will open this week.
This round focuses on candidates with trade expertise—including carpentry, plumbing, and welding—and authorities believe that this will help Canada’s construction sector attract the skilled talent needed across the country.
Canada’s previous Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Sean Fraser had announced changes to Express Entry through category-based selection to help address labor shortages that support an identified economic goal by inviting candidates with specific work experience or French language ability to apply for permanent residence in the country.
The category-based selection rounds will continue throughout the year, besides general invitation rounds, and imply that the country aims to attract top global talent and help meet the need for people related to trade to support the economy.
Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship commented on the initiative that skilled trade workers were essential for the country.
“It’s absolutely critical to address the shortage of skilled trades workers in our country, and part of the solution is helping the construction sector find and maintain the workers it needs. This round of category-based selection recognizes these skilled trades workers as essential, and I look forward to welcoming more of these talented individuals to Canada,” he said.
It bears mentioning that Canada is a top destination when it comes to immigration for people from the developing world and Express Entry is Canada’s flagship application management system for those seeking to relocate permanently through the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Canadian Experience Class, the Federal Skilled Trades Program and a portion of the Provincial Nominee Program.
Last year, the Government of Canada amended the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to allow for the selection of immigrants based on key attributes that support economic priorities, such as specific work experience or knowledge of French.
Former Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Sean Fraser had announced the launch of category-based selection, a new process to welcome skilled newcomers with work experience in priority jobs as permanent residents. This is the first round for people with a background in trade and Canada hopes to announce the next rounds soon.