Pakistan’s showbiz star, actor and nation’s heartthrob Hania Aamir disclosed the reason for leaving a meet-and-greet show in Dallas, Texas in a Story on her Instagram account.
Hania attended a meet and greet show along with her co-actor Fahad Mustafa for promoting their television drama Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum. During the show, one of the organisers misbehaved with the showbiz sensation’s manager and she ended up leaving the event.
The Janaan actor took to her Instagram and expressed immense disappointment at the unlikely interaction that took place during the show.
“Everyone saw videos of me walking to the crowd and taking pictures and everything was fine. When I was going back to my seat I heard one of the organisers verbally abuse my manager. So I walked up to her and asked what had happened and told the man (one of the organisers) that he cannot speak to her like this. She was so distraught that she went backstage. I followed her to make sure she was okay and Fahad being a gentleman also came to check up on her,” the actor wrote.
She also revealed how the same organiser verbally abused her and her team even more when they started taking photos with the fans at the back of the stage. The situation got so much worse that the people (her fans) had to hold the man back.
“Then we decided to start with the photos with the fans backstage, at this point he came running after us, calling us names, telling us to get out, called off the security protocols, and verbally assaulted us even more (people had to hold him back). We were rushed out by our promoter Arif Khan to not further escalate anything and we managed a personal means of transport to get back safely to the hotel,” she wrote.
Additionally, the shining actor bravely asserted that no one should disrespect anyone regardless of their status or position.
She also emphasised that people should not think that they are absolved from accountability just because they targeted women, who work in male-dominated fields.
Hania said: “Firstly, whatever your position may be, big or small, it gives you no right to disrespect anyone. Secondly, just because us [we] women are in male dominated fields, gives you no right to assume that you can get away with almost anything and that we will not take a stand for ourselves.”
Moreover, the Anaa actor also demanded that promoters and organisers of such events should make sure that such people don’t ruin the day for everyone.
She also apologised to her fans as well as firmly stood her ground and urged media houses to refrain from making allegations about artists without any regard for facts.