Pakistan to impose fine on overstaying foreigners as amnesty ends

ISLAMABAD(A1TV NEWS) The authorities in Pakistan will be imposing fine on foreigners overstaying in the country as the amnesty in this regard is set to expire.
As per the details, a general amnesty had been approved for overstaying foreigners to exit Pakistan without paying overstay charges with a cut-off date of 31st December 2022. As the deadline is set to expire, authorities have announced to take action against the violators.
According to a letter forwarded by the ministry of interior to the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA), fine would be imposed on the foreigners who don’t exit Pakistan.
The country’s Ministry of Interior issues exit permits to foreigners who have overstayed in Pakistan after expiry of their visas. These permits through Pakistan Online Visa System (POVS) are issued to the foreigners who have overstayed for up to one year and manual exit permits are issued to the foreigners who have overstayed beyond one year, on payment of penalty.
As far as the punishment for violators is concerned, the foreigners Act 1946 allows three-year sentence for overstaying foreigners; it was also announced that no legal action would be taken against those availing the amnesty scheme.
The relevant authorities are also mulling to blacklist the overstaying foreigners for further entry into Pakistan.